Eww, Eww, Ewww: Friday Night Food Blogging

This is the most disgusting recipe I’ve read in a very long time, worse even than that vile, vile wingnut pizza monstrosity Sadly, No featured a while ago. From Norwegianity: I sooooo have to serve these prize-winning tidbits at Chez Observer’s next cocktail party: SPAM Taco wontons Makes 36 to 48 wontons. From Lynda Decker, […]

Behind The Meat Curtains

Wingnut blogger and favourite target of those Sadly Nosian scamps, Ace O’ Spades, is the cause of much current hilarity at liberal US blogs for his take on a lame satrical newpaper article on how to tell if your husband is secretly gay. Considering this is a man who describes the female pudenda as having […]

“Are We There Yet , Are We There Yet , Are We There Yet ?”

Both Martin and I are daft about cats and we have three, but I’m not sure even we would go this far: Cats’ 2,500-mile cab ride A New York couple hired a yellow cab for a 2,500 mile ride to their new home – for the sake of their cats. Pensioners Betty and Bob Matas […]

Sunday Breakfast Lunch Mixed Bag

A selection of interesting, silly and disturbing things to look at with your Sunday morning breakfast: afternoon repast: Wow, so much we still don’t know.A new form of life has been found in Arctic waters. How many other of these unknown new forms have we already destroyed inadvertently? How’s that democracy-spreadin’ goin’, guys? The FBI […]