Welcome To The Kingdom Of God ?Judges must beware of hard constructions and strained inferences, for there is no worse torture than that of laws.? Francis Bacon Elevated from bkny’s comment at Digby: Judge backs down in rape trial Woman won’t face jail for refusing to view tape of alleged assault By Art Barnum and […]


Quick Links This little lot should keep you occupied whilst I sneak off and dissipate myself amongst the fleshpots of Amsterdam – said fleshpots being the hellhole that is the local Dirk Van Den Broek. No bread, no trolleys, no bags, hundreds of corpulent old bats in headscarves alternately yapping, scowling and elbowing; spoilt firstborn […]

Rotten Ralphs

Crooks and Liars picks this up from The Talent Show: “A federal grand jury in Los Angeles this morning returned a 53-count indictment against Ralphs Grocery Company, the owner of about 300 Southland supermarkets, alleging that the company secretly rehired hundreds of locked-out employees under false names and false social security numbers during the 2003-2004 […]


Festive Metablogging (Photo of Devon in the snow, Courtesy Chris Hodge Photos) There’s a bit of a brouhaha going on in the liberal side of the blogosphere , or at least at the Booman Tribune, over advertising revenue. It hasn’t blown up into a full-fledged open flamewar, as yet, and it’s certainly not a crisis […]


Inherit The Stupid Kansas State Board Votes to Teach Intelligent Design in Schools Nov. 8 (Bloomberg) — The Kansas State Board of Education approved a proposal to teach intelligent design along with evolution as a scientific explanation of how life began. The board voted 6 to 4 in favor of the guidelines, which say schools […]