New to the Left

Each day I list the blogs new to the linklist. Want to be added? Use the form, Luke. Entry does not guarantee winning. No purchase necessary. Offer void where prohibited. You must either be a fiery liberal spirit or be in
the vanguard of the workers revolution to participate. At a pinch we’ll take dedicated left anarchists and the like as well. No wishy washy centrists need apply. The decision of the judges is final.

This Land is My Land

Anna Feruglio Dal Dan has been talking sense in newsgroups like rec.arts.sf.fandom for a couple of years now. She now has her own weblog to talk sense in too, focussing on Italy and Italian politics. Updated “irregularly”.

Them Durn Lib’ruls

Left-populist, pro-labor, pro-environment, and especially pro-civil liberties commentary from Arizona. Fairly Arizona-centric.

Trip Reports from Imaginary Places

a blog on humanism, atheism, science, politics and humor. By Bradford Holcombe.


– A Journal of Politics, Law and Autism from the perspective of a leftist voter, a practicioner and a parent.

Smythe’s World

Politics, baseball and more.

(I’ve been getting some applications that are not entirely what I’m looking for, either from decidedly nonpolitical weblogs or
from people who are too far to the right to be listed here. I appreciate everybody who wants to be part, but please do remember
this is meant to be a list of progressive, leftwing blogs.)


Top Stories Wednesday 13 Nov

Lean Left looks at the dangers of socalled free trade pacts which
give multinationals the power to sue governments in their own secret tribunals:

This is a direct challenge to the entire concept of democracy. If your city decides that it wont do business with companies that use poisons in their products, or do business with China, or use slave labor, under the terms of NAFTA and the proposed terms of FTAA, that company could – in secret proceedings – demand money for their “loss”. A secret court becomes more important than the democratic process, and people now have no means to protect themselves from unscrupulous corporations.


Seeing the Forest is justifiably angry
about the Democratic Party’s betrayal of the unions:

Two Senate Dems sold out the unions. Democrats John Breaux of Louisiana and Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted with Bush.

Daschle added to the betrayal, “Though Sen. Robert Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat opposed to the department, may try to wage a filibuster against it, Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle has said he would oppose any such delay.” What? The REPUBLICANS filibustered this bill for months AND IT DIDN’T COST THEM A THING IN THE ELECTION! In fact, their tactics energized their base, and their base turned out to vote! Now it’s the Democrats’ opportunity to stand up for workers, and what does Daschle say? I take back what I said defending Daschle. DUMP HIM!

RC3 Daily on ground level politics and doing your share to improve the world:

So, I was reading Teresa Nielsen Hayden’s blog entry the other day about ground level politics and it got me to thinking about something that’s been bugging me since election night. The thing that bugs me is that despite the fact that I cast my lot in the marketplace of ideas here every day, I really don’t do all that much to change this country or this world to be the place that I want it to be. For example, my next door neighbors are three guaranteed Democratic votes. They don’t know a whole lot about US politics, but they hate George W Bush with extreme passion. Unfortunately, they never registered to vote and so they didn’t get to cast their ballots on election night. Had I gotten off my duff back in October (the registration deadline was Oct 11) and gotten them voter registration cards, and then taken them to vote on election day, that would have been three more votes for our losing Democratic Senate candidate. The guy lost by about 200,000 votes — if 1/5 of the Democrats who voted could have found one other person to drag to the polls, he would have won. I could have picked up three without even trying very hard, and they have a lot of friends who probably didn’t vote either. It’s something to remember in 2004.


New to the Left

Each day I list the blogs new to the linklist. Want to be added? Use the form, Luke. Entry does not guarantee winning. No purchase necessary. Offer void where prohibited. You must either be a fiery liberal spirit or be in
the vanguard of the workers revolution to participate. At a pinch we’ll take dedicated left anarchists and the like as well. No wishy washy centrists need apply. The decision of the judges is final.

RC3 Daily

By Rafe Colburn. Thoughtful, factual, calm.

better left unsaid

Jason writes because his brain is filled with lots of screwed up stuff that
he tends not to say out loud. According to him

Charlie’s Diary

By science fiction writer, technogeek and old style UK liberal Charlie Stross.

Mad Kane’s Noteables

commentary on and song parodies about politics, current events, books, music,
and anything else that inspires her admiration or ire.


Sunny thoughts from sunny Orange County. By Kevin Drum.