Bye-bye Charles! Bye-bye Jackie! Hello Caroline!

Unfortunately Hazel Blears kept her seat, but nice to see both Charles “safety elephant” Clarke and Jackie Smith finally were told to bugger off by their constituencies. Also good to see the Greens win their first seat.

The overall impression seems to be that, despite all the triumphalism, the television debates did not have the impact on the election itself they were predicted to have based on the polls. It became an almost normal two horse race again, with the Lib Dems doing nowhere near as well as “Clegg Mania” was supposed to make them. Currently they’re at 47 seats according to Wikipedia, with 565 of 650 seats declared. Last time they won 62, if the end result is the same, slightly better or even worse then it’s clear that Clegg has failed to deliver the breakthrough the debates seemed to hand him.

And the reason might just be that enough people took a second look at the likely outcome, saw the Tories looming and decided better to vote for the devil they knew. Labour might be bastards, but the Tories seem to be even worse bastards and a Lib Dem victory at the expense of Labour might just have delivered a Liberal-Tory government. Meanwhile the Tory voters the Lib-Dems were chasing refused to be caught it seems, rather having the real ones in power than a surrogate. A wasted opportunity, though the Lib-Dems might still end up holding the balance of power in what now looks like a well and truly hung parliament. They should’ve gone for the left of Labour vote, not chase lefty Tories.

Good to see Caroline Lucas become the first Green MP. Results from Poplar and Limehouse, where George Galloway is standing, aren’t in yet, but it looks like Labour has won that, according to the BBC.

What’s really worrying are the reports of polls closing while there were still voters waiting to vote; that’s a sign of bad organisation.

(Crossposted from Wis[s]e Words.)

Tories say: trust people, but not with money

Red Toryism apparantly is taking the worst of New Labour paternalism and combine it with the worst kind of …erm… New Labour free market fetishism, if two recent trail balloons — aid vouchers for people in poor countries to spent on private schools and investment vouchers for the poor in the UK, paid for by the sale of the nationalised banks to make them into “asset investors” — are anything to go by. So much for fresh new ideas from Cameron.

If you genuinely want to give poor people control over how to spent the money to get them out of poverty, give them the money directly, don’t arse about with bloody vouchers. But if you give them money you can’t control what they do with it and they might actually spend it on the wrong things. They might even buy …cigarettes. What’s more, vouchers are like company scrip, only redeemable through approved venues, another way to channel money supposed to help the poor into the pockets of your business friends.

The best way to lift people up out of poverty is by giving them money. Sure, some no doubt will fuck up, but they do so already and the thing about fucking up is, it matters less if you have more money (and are safely middle class) as we all know. I know I’ve made mistakes, but none of them could doom me, as I had money and more importantly, my parents had the money and connections to shelter me from my mistakes.

Just Keep Spinning

CPS declares there’s no evidence to sufficient to prosecute Damien Green or his source and the opposition MP’s arrest by the antiterrorism police aka the Keystone Kops is shown to have been politically motivated.

Meanwhile as far away as possible from Westminster in Scotland, Gordon Brown finally says sorry for Smeargate.

The media’s consequently in a bit of a quandary as which story to give top billing.

What a coincidence that the two events should happen on the same day and at the same time, just in time for the 1 o’clock news.

Could they by any chance be related?


I think he may feeling the pressure. Quote:

Gordon Brown: “I take full responsibility for what happens and that’s why the person who was responsible went immediately.”

WTF? Gordon’s resigned now?