A radical new idea for a blog

Too good not to quote entirely, this wonderful proposal reported upon
by Charlotte Street:

A friend of mine suggests a new left blog, using the following formula:

a. There will be occasional analyses of safely canonical texts from the Left tradition.
b. He will, however, carefully eschew any Marxist or even radical left analyses of the contemporary world.
No mention of class, inequality, exploitation, imperialism; most conspicuously, capitalism will be spared
any thoroughgoing critique.
c. Most of his energies will instead be devoted to chasing a spectral entity called the ‘liberal-left’ as it manifests itself, especially, in X newspaper, and in decrying the ‘pseudo-left’ as manifest here there and everywhere.
d. He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and
assorted reactionary ranters.
e. He will defiantly maintain that he is the authentic custodian of radical thought.