Save us from useless political stunts

Useless political stunts like this reshelving George Orwell’s 1984 from fiction into current affairs. My sides split from unrefrained joy at that prospect. That’ll tell Bush we’re serious.

Yes it looks like a harmless, even charming stunt, but. The one thing to ask with any form of protest is, what does it accomplish? This accomplishes nothing, other than making the participants feel good. It’s replacement activity, sucking up energy that could’ve been put into fighting Bush and worse it’s replacement activity that makes you look stupid. Its the sort of granola eating birkenstock wearing treehugging hippie crap that a Republican operative would like you to do. It changes nothing and it’s meant to change nothing. Politics as a hipster game.

In other words, I completely agree with Chris from Qwghlm:

I’m sorry – this guy has been in charge of your country for, what, over four and a half years? In that time, he’s exploited a terrorist atrocity in order to start an illegal war, destroyed your country’s credibility in the international community, passed draconian laws, imprisoned people without trial, privatised your social security system, given enormous tax breaks to the already obscenely wealthy, run up a massive national debt, done nothing in response to global warming and… this is the best you can come up with? For fuck’s sake, how does pissing off a few hard-working bookstore employees, who will inevitably have to spend time undoing your pathetic sub-Mark Thomas jape, equate in your minds to making a political statement? But then you’ve probably never had to do a crap job in your lives, you hipster douchebags, so you wouldn’t actually know what a pain in the arse you actually are. Why not actually try working for once, instead of being a smug, lazy showoff prick? While you’re at it, why not actually broaden your horizons, gain some sophistication, and find out about books other than Nineteen Eighty-Four, because quite frankly, referring to it all the damn time and trying to use it as an allegory for whatever you want to whine about is the height of intellectual laziness, and something that is probably making Orwell somersault in his grave as I type. In summary then, you are a grade-A fuckwit, who’s more concerned with trying to gain kudos for being a “subversive” amongst your braying sub-Nathan Barley peers by making this “statement”, when actually you have less sophistication than a cunt rolling downhill in a shopping trolley. It’s wankers like you who deserve to have the government you have at the moment, and if I could have it my way, you’d have Bush for a third term, all the fucking way to 2012 – maybe by then you’ll realise that there’s more to political action than merely going ‘Barnes & Noble! Pwn3d!’. Now, do the whole world a favour, and fuck off.”