As demonstrated by Tom Kratman, one of Baen Books ever increasing stable of rightwing milsf writers, in response to criticism of one of his books:
I thought it might interest you, you slimy little mincer, that sell-through on A State of Disobedience was 88%. This is extremely good and indicates how impotent you, and the rest of the left wing swine who infest usenet and lie on Amazon, really are. Impotent? No, that would be funny. And while you are a joke, you are not funny. (Besides, real impotence is likely untrue. You probably _can_ get it up…with fat little boys.)
- Homosexual slur: check
- Sales as measure of quality: check
- Accusations of impotence: check
- Accusations of pedophilia: check
- Use of “fat” as a slur: check
- “Pussy”: check
- Writer making a complete ass of himself and losing the respect of everybody but his most dedicated fans: