Eight years later…

Eight years ago on this day our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity finally ended when the 2000 presidential elections halted in stalemate and Bush let his daddy’s lawyers steal the election for him.

You can sum up Bush in the disasters he left behind: the stolen election, the worst terrorist attacks on American soil ever, a bungled war in Afghanistan, another needless war in Iraq to show up his dad, an economy only keeping going by seducing people into unmanagable debts. — And then you fuckers re-elected him. Sure, the second election was as phony as the first, but still half or almost half of the people that actually bothered to vote after four years of endless disaster still thought Bush was a swell guy!

It only took another four years of unending war, the death of a major American city and the complete collapse of the American economy, swiftly followed by that of the rest of the world for you lot to realise that maybe, just maybe, voting for an asshole is not a good idea, not matter how much this will annoy that hippy drippy art teacher you had back in high school.

Please let Obama win tonight, not because he’s a socialist, or a leftist or even much of a liberal, but just because he is moderately competent and doesn’t constantly have to prove to the world he’s a better man than his daddy or how big his weiner is. We need somebody who will finally stop making things worse. The last eight years have been a complete washout, let’s not waste the next four.

Update: 5 AM local time: Thank you.

