That BNP membership list

Via Lancaster Unity: entire membership of the BNP online:

Hands up if you feel your human rights threatened

Not only does the data, now available online, include the entire membership list with full names (and former names where there have been changes for any reason), addresses, contact numbers, email addresses and in many cases the member’s age, particularly where those members are under eighteen. Yes, that’s right. This list includes members as young as fourteen, male and female. Where a family membership is bought and paid for, the whole family is listed.

As if this isn’t bad enough, the notes that are attached to many of the entries leave a lot of the members open to difficulties in their jobs, some of them being in the armed forces or the police and the BNP too – an illegal combination, and where not illegal, frequently frowned upon. Other members are noted as construction managers, receptionists, district nurses, lay preachers, police officers, company directors and teachers among many others.

Like this wasn’t enough, the BNP has also listed hobbies or interests where for some reason they are deemed relevant. Thus we have short-wave radio hams, amateur historians, pagans, line-dancers and even a witch (male).

The BNP and/or allied organisations have for years been spying on and outing British leftists on their R*dw*tch site, which in the past has led people to be beaten up because they were featured on it. It must be karma that this is now happening to themselves. Of course, despite the BNP always wanting to play the persecuted victims, the likelyhood of BNP members being beaten up because they appeared on this list is small. A lot of people in sensitive positions will have some explaining to about their membership.

So we shouldn’t shed too many crocodile tears about this leakage by the way. These are people who have not just decided to vote for a racist party, which can –barely– be excused as protest voting, but are so hardened in their racism as to join the BNP. These people are not just a theoretical danger: they act on their odious policies and the BNP has always had ties to fascist terrorist groups like Combat 18. If you’re Black or Asian or gay or in some other way a target of the BNP, this list is a godsend, as it can help you avoid these people. Thanks to whoever leaked this lists these fascists can no longer hide themselves. And they’re very upset about it, as this comment thread on Northwest Nationalists shows.

Can’t get the list yourself (it’s on bittorrent via Mininova and Piratebay)? Then use the very web 2.0 BNP proximity search. Enter your postcode and see if there’s a BNP member living near you…