Undesirable alien

Geert Wilders

turnabout is fair play. Geert Wilders is denied entrance to the United Kingdom because he’s a threat to public safety:

A far-right Dutch MP whose film linking Islamic texts with the terror attacks on New York sparked protests around the Muslim world was last night banned from entering Britain.

Geert Wilders, who leads the small Dutch Freedom Party, was due to show his controversial 17-minute film at an event in the House of Lords tomorrow, but was informed yesterday by British officials that he would not be allowed to enter the country. The decision sparked an immediate diplomatic row after the Dutch Government pressed Britain to reverse the ban.

Now he knows how it feels to be an undesirable alien. He and his allies are of course squealing like stuck pigs about this outrage but really it’s no different from wanting to limit the number of Antillians coming to the Netherlands even though they’re Dutch citizens, to name just one example. That this has led to a diplomatic row between us and the Brits was predictable, even though we should be ashamed Wilders got elected to our parliament in the first place. Refusing him entry to the UK isn’t an insult to parliament: having him in the Tweede Kamer is an insult to parliament.