More on hunting

Palau’s comment on last week’s hunting post is too good not to quote in full*:

Revoke the Enclosure Acts! See, there’s your trouble, right there, the rich dispossessing the poor. It always is.

I think part of the motivation for the current leftish rethink on hunting is coming from miserabilists like me who’ve been predicting an eventual return to subsistence living as the whole economic system collapses.

The prospect of bankrupt nations falling like dominoes plus worldwide unemployment and depression does set one remembering all those WWII recipes and Ray Mears survival tips.

One of the little headgames I play when I’m bored or can’t sleep is ‘what would you do if…’ say, there were no supermarkets? If Russia cuts off the gas? We get flooded by rising sea levels?

I’ve even caught myself musing on the utility of a crossbow vs a shotgun while listening to the news and idly wondering how much protein there might be in the wood pigeon in the garden that I’ve been feeding. I’ve got a nice recipe for rook pie too…

But on the whole I blame the hunting rethink on posh trendies [like] Hugh Fearnley-bloody-Whittingstall.

Poor pigeon…

* Beside, makes for an easy post…