Bwahaha! Texan anti-gay marriage legislation may actually outlaw all marriages there. Serves the fuckers right.
When a Canadian diplomate favourably compares the Dutch and English treatment of prisoners in Aghanistan with his own country’s policies, how bad must they be? Answer: quite bad, but the government doesn’t want to know.
Any suggestions for the 10 Popular science books SF writers would benefit from having read?
Thierry Henry audits for the Feench handball team:
You can’t blame the Irish for being livid, nor the French for being disgusted but philosophical. Bad refereeing is an intrinsic part of football and had the shoe been on the other foot (the ball on the other hand) the reactions would have been the exact opposite. But I thought better of Thierry Henry.
Neither Blair nor Balkenende is EU president. Thank ghu, even if it means we have to keep Balkenende longer. Bet the British tabloids are eagerly awaiting any hint of a sex scandal on the part of Herman van Rompuy, if only to be able to pun on rompuy-pompuy…
Lieberman is the Democratic Sarah Palin.
Ideas I wish I’d had: Nobody’s Favorites, a look at comics’ worst characters, the ones that nobody likes. Some I agree with, some not and some are so obscure nobody even knows them.
Ideas I wish I’d had, part II:Thursday WHO’s WHO.
Friday bitchfest: Professionalism.