Metal Monday: unleaded is not an option

There ar e quite a few metal bands whose name starts with “l”, but there’s only one band that counts, those archetypical rock dinosaurs: Led Zeppelin. With Black Sabbath and Deep Purple they were one of the founders of hard rock, influencing zillions of bands, if not with their music, then with their lifestyle…

Musically you could say their work falls into two categories: their earlier, blues inspired songs (where “inspired” sometimes meant “shamelessly stolen from”) and the much more bombastic (some would say indulgent) rock songs they performed on their later records. The first video is one example of that style – Kashmir:

Dazed and Confused is a good example of their earlier style:

This song comes from the first Zeppelin album, creatively called Led Zeppelin. I had that and the second album, even more creatively called Led Zeppelin II as a double album and used to play them on Saturday mornings while reading Usenet. Ahh, memories.

Immigrant song was once memorably covered by Joel Veitch’s Viking Kittens. This is the original.

And of course…