Facebook: ptoey!

Teresa Nielsen Hayden gets annoyed at Google’s stupid persistence in wanting to crosslink all her accounts with Facebook of all places:

Especially Facebook! Are you out of your mind? You’ve got some very smart people working for you. Go ask some of them why I might not think it’s a swell idea for Facebook, that impenitent mendacious serial offender against privacy and prior consent, to automatically receive ANY information about my activities elsewhere in the online universe.

What next? Are you going to automatically crosslink Google accounts and Google Image results with Facebook’s mega-creepy facial recognition project? You know, the one that’s building an enormous database of real photos linked with real names and online usernames? Facebook has long since made it clear that they’re never going to respect user privacy; and you, dear Google, already know way too much about us all.

Even without their privacy shenanigans I don’t trust Facebook. It’s the anti-internet, a walled garden that wants you to never leave and keep playing that stupid free farm game. It goes against the grain of what the internet is supposed to be, open, free and nobody’s property. The only reason I ever got an account was as a landclaim, but even on the rare times I do login it manages to annoy me in less than a minute.