Guess what didn’t happen yesterday?

It’s been incredibly annoying to have to struggle through all the coverage of one loon/conman’s (strike which is applicable) idea of when an why the world will end, all done in a jocular fashion but with a bit of whistling past the graveyard mixed in. It all makes for lazy, easy reporting and since that’s the sort of thing reporters like best, we got saturation coverage.

As an atheist this annoys me, but coming from a background of sensible protestant Christianity it offends me to see this brand of lunacy protrayed as the face of an entire religion. The socalled Rapture is a cheat, a way for people who don’t have a clue about the real meaning of their religion to get out of the hard work of being Christian. We were told in school that “the kingdom of heaven is within” and we’d have to build a new Jerusalem on Earth ourselves, rather than wait for salvation from on high. With the Rapture and everything associated with it, you can short circuit that whole tedious work of actually improving the world and get to heaven directly. It’s Christianity for wankers.

And now proper churches have to clean up the mess this particular brand of wanker left behind.