Fun with stereotypes

Germany digging a hole on the beach

Last Tuesday Teresa at Making Light posted about what Scandinavians thought about each other, which included a link to the delightful new to me webcomic Scandinavia and the World. I read this post on Wednesday; I also had a job interview the same day. Looking through a huge archive of slow loading but funny cartoons is not the ideal preparation for this.

Worth it though, if you like cartoons that gently poke fun at national stereotypes, mixed in with a bit of yaoi. Such as the tendency for Germans to dig holes in our beaches, as shown above. The characters btw are the countries they’re representing, so that is Germany digging a hole while Holland (with the joint) and Denmark (beer) look on.

What do y’all think of this sort of casual stereotyping, where it’s largely reciprocal, the countries involved are on a roughly equal footing and nobody really seems to take them very seriously?


  • des von bladet

    September 30, 2011 at 5:30 am

    Just to remark that the picture doesn’t show on the RSS feed (in Google reader).

    Also, I believe that to be my kuilen.

  • Martin Wisse

    September 30, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Only if you left your towel there…

    Yes, for some reason Google reader has never picked up the images from here. No idea why.