Ymere is pissing me off

For the priviledge of belonging to the mandatory owners association, I pay them about sixty euros a month, which I always pay at the end of the month, with all the other bills. The owners association is run by Ymere Beheer, who’ve just sent me a reminder that I haven’t paid my March dues yet, with another fifteen euros in “cost” for sending me this reminder. This is seriously pissing me off. Especially because for some reason best known to themselves, the fsckers are only available to be argued with from 8:30 to 11:00 AM on workdays which is when I, like most people with a job, am at work.

A while back on Unfogged, during yet another discussion about the stupid hoops American health care insurers have their clients jump through, somebody made the brilliant observation that any company big enough is able to send you a bill for some arbitrary amount and there’s little you can about it to fight it that it’s easier just to pay up. Insurers, public utilities and other big necessary evils are particularly able to do this, but I never thought this would happen to me…

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