Legend of the Galactic Heroes: shipping wars

Forget the politics, the wars, all that crap. The most important question you have to ask yourself about Legend of the Galactic Heroes is: am I team Ketchup-Mustard or team for gods sake Yang, sit in a chair like a regular human being?

LOGH: shipping wars

In a series with only half a dozen or so female roles but with lots and lots of delectable young men in uniform making bedroom eyes at each other, there’s a lot of gay potential. Not that any of it is actualised of course, this being a Serious Space Opera, but that has never stopped shippers. And honestly, it’s so obvious that Kircheis and Reinhard are attracted to each other, that the only real question is whether Kircheis is only in love with Reinhard, or would like to be the jam filling in a Lohengramm sandwich of Reinhard and his sister…

Yang Wenli does get a heterosexual romance later in the series, but it doesn’t have half the sexual tension that any given pair of strapping admirals has with each other.

In modern anime, there are plenty of series aimed at socalled fujoshi, female fans of boys love stories, but I wonder if some of the success and longevity of Legend of the Galactic Heroes can also be due to them…

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