Planet With — First Impressions

So yeah, this is not even the weirdest scene in this episode.

Planet With: no idea

I knew nothing about Planet With going in and I’m tempted to say I know even less now. Honestly, I thought this might be some kids show based on its MAL thumbnail. Which made me less than prepared for the weirdness that followed the cozy little breakfast scene above. The dude in the middle is our protagonist, having come out of a coma with no memories whatsoever two weeks ago to find himself in the care of this anthropomorphised cat person and green haired maid. At first it seems this might be some sort of weird Azumanga Daioh style slice of life series, if it wasn’t for the flashback scene at the start. But then the weird CGI aliens (?) robots (?) gods (?) show up and things get stranger. First we get the usual military overreaction, with fighter planes sent out to shoot them down, only for the alien/robot/god to blast them with something that makes them remember or simulates the happiest moment in the fighter pilots’ lives. Then the superheroes show up:

Planet With: super sentai squad

Who look quite interesting on their own, a good balance between character type and individuality there. What with our protagonist’s mysterious flashback and background, not to mention the company he keeps, it seems like a given that he’ll join them in some matter, be the missing link in the fight against those mysterious invaders. That would be the conventional thing to do. Give him the same sort of mecha powers as they have and bring them in as the rookie and/or team leader.

Planet With: the vore game

He does get his mecha. It’s just that the giant cat thing has to eat him to transform. And he’s not fighting with the super sentai squad, but against him, urged on by his guardians for reasons still unknown, though he has his own reasons as well, tied to his own past. It’s an interesting setup, not the weirdest anime I’ve watched, but certainly the most out of the box this season. The art style is a bit kids show, but that’s no problem for me: it fits the style of the show. Gender wise, there’s the maid, who is mostly there to be the cheery happy go lucky type, as well as our protagonist’s classmate, who’s there for him to have somebody to talk to. The superhero squad does have a couple of more women in it, who haven’t had much to do yet. All in all, this looks like it could be a real dark horse, something that AniTwitter will embrace wholeheartedly if it keeps up the quality.

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