Golf playing girls: Sorairo Utility — Anime 2022 #001

First anime watched this year and it was a fifteen minute New Year’s special about three girls playing golf. Golf: a nice walk ruined, a sport for people who want to play marbles but are too lazy to bend over, three most annoying sport to see in the television schedule after darts and snooker. Nevertheless, Sorairo Utility was a decent enough watch to start 2022 with and I respect the decision to make this nothing but a game of gold, with no extraneous plot or setting included. Just three high school girls trying to hit balls into a small hole from long distance.

A girl in shorts and t-shirt who is holding up a golf club, having just swung it

Minami gets interested in golf by watching this woman’s swing and seeing the ball soar into the blue sky. A short opening later and we’re off to the golf course with her two more experienced golf friends, Haruka and Ayaka for a game of golf. It’s only her third game and she worries about making par: the maount of strokes it should take you to complete a hole. As a beginner she hasn’t been able to do so, but wants to. Her friends try to coach her a bit, while she admires them for their clean swings. And that’s about it for the plot. We follow them around the course as Minami continues to worry, take pictures together and break for lunch in the club house in the middle of their tour. In the end, Minami never gets par, though she’s close on the very last hole.

Minami is about to putt while her two friends look on from a distance

It’s all very genteel, something easily digestible to start the new year with after the obligatory Vienna New Year’s Concert. There isn’t really any reason for this to exist. It’s not promoting anything, just fifteen minutes of girls playing golf because somebody at Yostar Pictures liked the idea of doing an anime about girls playing golf. I liked it despite having no interest in golf whatsoever. Despite its tight focus on the game itself the show still managed to make me care about Minami and her drive to improve. Also, how often do you see anime girls with ear rings?

Minami after she swung her cub the way she wants to, with piercings in her ears

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