Makes my own projects look a little more reasonable

So I was googling the other day for Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik’s ill fated Void Indigo series for Epic Comics as you do and found a review from somebody who had started a project to read every comic Epic ever published. What’s more, that’s not the only company Lars Ingebrigtsen has done this for. He has done similar projects for:

As well as projects documenting the work of Elaine Lee and the alternative eighties RAW crowd. Every one of these projects require a level of obsession and sheer graft that’s hard to imagine, making my own pet projects seem reasonable by comparison. Hats off for Lars for doing this. It can be hard to find any discussion of pre-internet comics online, especially from now defunct publishers and he not only reviews them, he also provides context by looking at contemporary fanzine reviews and such. Very helpful indeed when I was interested in why Void Indigo only lasted two issues.

One of his projects deserves a special mention:, a “research site for magazines and fanzines about comics” which allows you to search the content of a rather large selection of English language comics zines. Again, this has already proven its worth to me because I needed to find some information on Michael Thibodeaux, somebody obscure enough to not have even a Wikipedia page stub. Just knowing where to read an interview or review means I can dive into my own pile of yellowing fanzines to read it rather than having to first flic to all of them to find it.

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