A Girl and her Pet Behemoth — First Impressions

It’s a Christmas miracle: an anime fantasy series with a town that isn’t a perfect circle!

An aerial view of a medieval town located on a bay, with city walls that do not form a perfect circle

S-Rank Monster no “Behemoth” dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu (I’m an S-Rank “Behemoth” Monster, but I’m Living as a Pet of an Elf Girl, I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl’s Pet) aka Beheneko is about a knight who reincarnated as a monster and for more information, reread that title above. Yes, this is very much another generic pseudo-isekai series, but it is one that seems that had a little bit more care put into it than normal. The mere fact that the city actually looks like a proper town is one example of this. Animation, design and setting are all a cut above the rest, even if the plot is still fairly standard.

A light brown cat with darker brown tiger stripes is lapping milk from a saucer

All this really needed was for the cat and its elf girl master to be reasonably cute and it succeeded with both. This first episode was pretty much the usual one introductionary one, basically setting up the title (and indeed name dropping it at the very end). A nameless knight gets reincarnated as the S-class monster Behemoth, but he looks like a little kitten, has fun killing other monsters in the dungeon until he runs into a dragon and nearly gets killed. At which point the elf girl finds him, takes him home and nurtures him back to health. Visiting the adventurers guild she is accosted by a rapey co-worker, the cat saves her and they fight a duel which she and the cat wins. The one sour note in the whole episode was the guild master being an obnoxious gay stereotype.

On the whole though this very much looks like a nice, light show to watch week by week.

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