Dumb fucks doing comics criticism

This asshole really thought he was qualified to critique Haus of Decline’s comics for having too much text, so he crossed out everything he thought was unnecessary so it would make a better meme:

A Haus of Decline four panel comic in which Basil crossed out most of the text

To add insult to injury, he then said that notorious Nazi Stonetoss makes better comics. Various other numbnuts then jumped on the bandwagon and one of them produced the ‘improved’ comic:

The same comic with all the text removed

Which I’m grateful for because it clearly shows that without the original text, this cartoon is neither funny nor coherent, but is just a collection of random images. You only know what it is saying if you read the original.

This whole episode is yet another example of the eternal centrist need to hand it to the Nazis (Stonetoss in this case) and desire to attack trans women, as Haus has recently come out as one. (Fun activity: check the thread and quote tweets to see how many people suddenly are able to use they/them pronouns to misgender Haus.) Lurking in the background, the idea that all art should be propaganda and should only be judged on how effective it is according to cretins. And you wonder why the US is sliding into fascism even without Trump being elected yet…

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