The geek fallacy — 2.5-jigen no Ririsa

Look, it works here because this is fiction, but thinking that just because you all share the same hobby you all should be friends is asking for trouble:

Close-up of Ririsa saying 'I mean, cosplayers all love the same thing! We're all on the same team!'

2.5-jigen no Ririsa episode 14 is about Ririsa wanting to befriend another girl doing cosplay, who in turn wants to befriend her too but is just incredibly socially awkward to the point of disability. In this case therefore thinking that “we should be friends because we both cosplay” works out. In real life, just sharing a hobby doesn’t mean you have anything else in common or even like each other. I’m glad some of the other characters at least pointed this out to Ririsa, that others may dislike her and that this is okay, that she doesn’t have to force herself to like somebody else because they’re also cosplayers. It’s a lesson any baby geek or otaku needs to learn.

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