Oh look, it’s another pointless inquest to establish what we already know, that Jean Charles de Menezes was murdered, that his killers got away with it and of course, that this inquest is “not a forum to determine
culpability or compensation, still less to dispense punishment”. It’s not as if anybody important was killed and we can’t have the police be afraid to murder innocent people if they really really believe they’re terrorists…
The inquest will hear from 75 witnesses, including 48 serving police officers who have been granted anonymity, and Tube passengers.
The first police officer will appear later in the week.
Among those who will be speaking for the first time will be policemen codenamed C2 and C12, the two specialist firearms officers who shot Mr de Menezes dead.
Far be it for me to say that this is the perfect opportunity for some spontaneous vigilante justice, but what the hey.