Linky, linky

The post over at Crooked Timber about how Americans now have worse teeth than a decade ago is interesting. Interesting, in that the discussion in the comments tries hard to avoid the simple truth as to why that is: lack of dental insurance. Too scary perhaps.

Meanwhile, The Guardian reports on vulture capitalism, the practise of buying up third world debts then suing the country in question in an European or American court for the debt plus interest. Many of such funds are based in London and it probably won’t surprise you either that some of these funds have ties to highlevel US politicians…

Lawyers, Guns and money is worried about Giuliani, who has stuffed his campaign chockful with the nuttiest of neocons. Personally I don’t doubt he would be a disaster as president for America, but for the rest of the world he might be the better choice than a more competent candidate like Clinton. Because whoever becomes president will always be someone willing to use US military force abroad, and somebody a little bit nutty might be opposed more and earlier.

Does that make sense? Perhaps not.