Episode eleven of Ave Mujica and Uika finally gets to tell her backstory. In MyGo we had seen her as a confident, smart, friendly person, able to give Tomori some good advice just when she needed it. That image quickly shattered once this series started to delve more into her obsession with Sakiko, didn’t it? And now we finally got to know what started that obsession and it sounds familiar:
From the interview with Iori Miyazawa, the writer of Ura Sekai Picnic had with Rikimaru Mizoguchi, a Hayakawa Books editor, all the way back in 2018 where he went into the details of his philosophy of yuri and how it made him human:
I.M.: You’re seriously on point there. I actually didn’t have any interest in writing about human emotions, originally. There’s a famous saying, “sci-fi is all about the image” (TN: this quote is attributed to Masahiro Noda, a prominent SF writer in Japan). I shared that point of view and, if anything, preferred to only write the setting and the scenes, the sights. But to write yuri you have to focus on the feelings and emotions of the characters, so in the end I had face humans.
R.M.: You first faced humans to write yuri.
I.M.: You could say that “yuri made me human”.
A sentiment Uika seems to echo here. As shimeji spirit corp has it on Bluesky:
there’s a line in hatsune’s monologue that illustrated once again that miyazawa iori was *years* ahead of the curve with “yuri made me human”
This interview was also my first association when I heard that line. As she tells it, Uika is completely miserable until she meets Sakiko for the first time and falls in love with her all through Saki’s subconscious rizz. And like everybody else except Tomori who falls under Saki’s spell, she cannot be normal about it. Understandable though, now that we know where she came from.
At this point in the series MyGo had had its catharsis and was warpping up its story, but Ave ?Mujica still seems to be building up for a climax. Can’t wait for these last two episodes.