A picture I took riding back from work a couple of days ago, showing the bare trees swarming with birds preparing for migration. There’s this little patch of wilderness near the sluices I have to bike over to get to the ferry to the station, which always has a lot of birds living in it, usually parrots, though I’m not sure what these are.
Natural World
Would’ve been even better with squid
You know how, when you see those documentaries in Shark Week at Discovery, they’re always tagging and putting radio beacons on sharks? Well, now you can follow those tagged sharks all over the ocean. Isn’t the future wonderful.
Also: how to bathe a hedgehog:
It’s sunday
Have a kitten. Not that this is at all familiar…
Have something cute for the weekend
Since Euro2012 has just started and I have no time for proper posting tonight…
This is just mean
Dog’s confused by seeing the family cat on youtube, checks to see if it’s still in its box. You can see the question marks over her head…