Pity Den Beste

You know, four years ago I would gladly have leapt on the “let’s make fun of Stephen Den Beste bandwagon, but then one of the commentors at D-Squared’s place had to go and point at this cry for help:

Den Beste

Or at least that seems to be my experience. Six years ago I broke up with my last girlfriend after eight years together, and what I’m finding is that there are no women around me anymore. I don’t remember it being like this 14 years ago.

I spent six years trying to accept that I was no longer a man and accepting my role as a male person; trying to become comfortable with the fact that I would spend the rest of my life alone, surrounded by female persons but not having any contact with women, any kind of contact at all, physical or otherwise.


So for six long years I tried to get used to being a male person and tried to become comfortable with the idea that there would only be no women around, only female persons. And for six years the only women in my life were encoded in JPEG.

And then three weeks ago I took a trip to Vegas and blew that all to hell.


There are things which women and men can do with each other that female persons never do with male persons. A woman’s face lights up when she sees her special man. She hugs him. She puts her arm around his waist and holds him. They sit next to each other with no gap between them. There’s no 3-foot privacy boundary between them. They cuddle. They sleep together. They call each other on the phone just to hear the other’s voice. They share their triumphs and tragedies. They love each other. They care about each other. They’re special to each other.

And I realized that I can’t live without that. I don’t want to meet female persons. I want to meet, get to know, and learn to love a woman and have her love me back as a man.


A strip club. Yup, a place where men go and pay women to take their clothes off. At such a sleazy place, I was actually at peace with myself for the first time in six years.


Now it’s true that this is somewhat exaggerated. You’re reading the writings of a middle-aged man who is dreadfully lonely. But there’s a great deal in this which is true. If I’m standing in line next to an attractive woman and after talking to her for a while and discovering that I like her and that we seem to be getting along well, I cannot follow the engineer’s way, and say to her “You seem to be intelligent, articulate, and well educated, and I would consider myself extraordinarily lucky to become romantically involved with you. My intentions are strictly honorable. May I see you again?” That’s what my inclination is to do: very straightforward, very honest, completely unambiguous — it’s the engineer’s way. Say it and get it out, communicate clearly. (I tried this once and it was an abject

And what is he doing now? blogging about anime; I felt such a pity reading that plea for understanding masquerading as an essay. There but for the grace of god (and not being a complete asshole) go I. So yeah, I pity him, but not as much as I pity the poor woman who becomes thefocus of his attentions. If I learned one thing, it’s that it is rarely the “nice guys”, (ie. the guys who always have to shout from the rooftops about how nice they are and they don’t understand why they’re still single) who are good for you.

Apple’s disgusting use of Rosa Parks

The famous picture of Rosa Parks in a bus with the Apple logo attached

Disgusting. Barely a day dead and Apple thinks it has the right to use her name in ad to shift more bloody ipods. Think different! As if there’s any comparison between selling computers and, you know, fighting for the right to be treated as a normal human being.

I knew capitalism tends to co-opt revolution, but who thought it could be this blatant about it?

Picture found at Michel Vuijlsteke’s excellent blog (in Flemish).

Conspiracy theories

Lenin’s tomb reports that an Observer poll revealed most Brits believe ther bush administration knew about the September 11 Attacks and allowed them to happen.

I have not seen any responses to this news yet, but they are not hard to imagine. Frothing at the mouth denunciations from the right wing war supporters, hand wringing apologias from the liberal , moderate, “sensible” anti-war people, and tut-tutting by the “leftwing war supporters. (Case in point…). They will have one thing in common: a (faked) outrage that people are so silly as to believe in *gasp* conspiracy theories, as if US governments have never conspired against their own citizens, Operation Northwood and MK-Ultra not withstanding.

Despite these denounciations, we should not be too fast in rejecting the very real possibility that Bush and co “allowed” the attacks to happen, or at the very least did not try very hard to prevent them. The Bush administration has proven to have no problems with lying or causing the deaths of innocent bystanders to realise their policy goals, after all. Sure, they may have just been very incompetent, locked into a Cold War mindset that only regarded state actors as dangerous, but there are just too many nagging things about the attacks to completely disregard the option that more was going on.

And that’s why I don’t watch Newsnight more often…

Because I get so godddamn aggresive from those stupid, deeply venal Labour pricks who come on and lie and lie about the war on Iraq. For fucks sake, you did not go to war because Saddam was a bad man or because he might think about starting up a WMD program in the next century or so, certainly not because he was so rude to the UN. And don’t think we don’t know the UN arms inspectors weren’t kicked out but recalled, both in 1998 and in 2003.

No, you went to war because you said he was a menace to your country, he had weapons of mass destruction and missiles that could hit the UK within 45 minutes. You said he had ties with Al Quaida and might hand over nuclear bombs to them. You knew at the time, as we suspected all along, that you lied. Now that everybody knowns these reasons were lies it behooves you to be a fucking bit less smug and stop lying.

But it is so easy to lie when nobody takes you to account. Your political opponents for the most part won’t, because they were either stupid enough to believe you or complicit enough to collued in your lies. The media won’t because they have to work with you and they like their cozy little jobs too much. The people can’t, because you made it abundantly clear you have nothing but disdain for them. But don’t be too fucking secure. Someday, you will get what’s coming to you.

Hopefully, it will be soon.


In a never ending political joke, the anarchists, led by CLAC who were at the back of the march, got bored of waiting and decided to have their own march of about two thousand. They marched down a street parallel to the main march. They did anarchist things (looking and acting like idiots), ccomplished their goals (be more radical than the rest of us bourgeois sell-outs) and ended up becoming what
they always do (irrelevant).

From If there is hope…