Fuck Planet Earth

Re-imagining Worthy BBC Attenborough nature documentary series Planet Earth, making it slightly more juvenile, also more funny, to cheer up your Monday. (Found via Sore Eyes.)


Now that’s a cat that reminds me of myself, as I don’t have the world’s best motoric skills either, if nothing on the level of Charley.

Sci fi songs: Major Tom (Völlig Losgelöst)

A thread on rec.arts.sf.fandom reminded me of that classic of the Neue Deutsche Welle, Major Tom (Völlig Losgelöst) and I was wondering if Youtube would have a video of it. Couldn’t find the original, German video, but there was a nice fan made video of the song with visuals from 2001. There’s also the official English language version of the song, but that’s too horrible to link to. I’d rather show another fan made video, which has the lyrics of the original German language song, handy for you karaoke fans at home:

Of course, if you mention Neue Deutsche Welle and sci fi, Peter Schilling might not be the first thing that springs to mind. You might instead be reminded of a quaint little outfit called the Deutsch-Österreichisches Feingefühl and their hitsingle Codo (Und ich düse-düse-düse im Sauseschritt):

Good? Bad? It doesn’t matter, as you’re sure not to forget this in a hurry…

Lazy Sunday Comedy III: the difference between UK and US comedy

This time, let’s look at two sketches with the same joke. The first is from the Not the Nine O’Clock News show:

The second from Saturday Night Live:

Two shows, one British, one American, with the same joke. Both aren’t that funny, but they do show a remarkable difference in approach. A difference in national comedy styles? Discuss.