
I hope y’all have checked out the link to my booklog to the left of this post? Just in cased you hadn’t, I’ve put up new reviews/musings of two books: Poul Anderson’s The Corridors of Time, a science fiction time travel novel and Dutch author Nescio’s classic collection of three novellas. Martin sez, check it out.

Courtesy of the Guardian comes another book review, of China Mieville’s latest fantasy novel, The Scar. Apart from being a fantasy and sf writer, China is also active in politics, having been a candidate in the UK parliamentary elections last year for the Socialist Alliance.

For the Fantastic Metropolis webzine China put together a list of fifty fantasy & science fiction works that socialists should read, which is probably also of interest to non socialists. For the Guardian he also put together his top ten of weird fiction.

Something’s gone horribly wrong

Huh. It seems every second weblog I try to read today is having trouble — and they had all created with Blogger. Seems to me this has been happening a bit more lately. Just shows how important it is to have control of your weblogging sofware, I guess.

Fortunately what I use is Blosxom which is no more then a clever Perl script developed by Rael Dornfest, a researcher at O’Reilly. It’s lightweight, easy to use and adapt and open source. Check it out.

Heads are gonna roll

Losing the elections is not without consequences, as the three parties of Paars (purple): PvdA, VVD and D66 are finding out now. Heads were gonna roll.

The first to draw their conclusions were the three leaders of the ex-government parties. Both Ad Melkert of the PvdA and Hans Dijkstal of the VVD resigned [1] after the disastrous election results for their respective parties. Thom de Graaf of D66 was reelected by his party’s Tweede Kamer faction as their leader after he had given up his position.

But the three faction leaders were not the only ones who decided to quit their jobs. Ex-minister Jan Pronk was reelected but decided he would give up his seat. He felt his the PvdA needed new blood and decided to set an example. His example was followed [1] by staatssecretaris (underminister) Margo Vliegenthart also of the PvdA and minister Roger Van Boxtel (D66). He is trading places with Boris van der Ham, the only new person on D66’s election list.

For Van Boxtel the main reason for leaving was that he felt he was the “embodiment of Paars-2” [2] and that the heart of his ministerial responsibility, minority policies, had become the “playfield” [3] for the rise of the LPF. Apparantely, he said, agitating about problems is valued more then working towards solutions. Not that these solutions have had much visibility
or success. As a minister he had a newly created portfolio concerning the big city areas in the Netherlands and integration of minorities, covering terrain already under the responsibility of other departements.

So far then, we have two PvdA MPs and one D66 MP quitting to make place for new blood. This however still leaves all three of the ex-govermental parties with an abundance of older, long serving MPs, since most of the newcomers were on as it turned out to be unelectionable places in their respective parties election lists. Whether this will be a handicap or an advantage to the parties is of course still unclear. On the one hand you can question whether the longer serving MPs can get themselves out of the ruts their parties are in, on the other hand having a cadre of experienced MPs may serve well in dealing with the great mass of inexperienced LPF firsttimers…

[1] Article in Dutch.
[2] “de belichaming van Paars-2”
[3] “speelveld”

Gary Farber doesn’t get it

Yesterday, Gary Farber ranted about reactions to the news that the Bush administration DID know an attack was imminent in early september, even that was likely to involve hijacked airplanes. Unfortunately, he completely misses the point:

CRYSTAL BALL TIME: I’ve made the error of looking at various leftist blogs ranting on about how Bush Should Have Known About 9/11, and He Is All To Blame, because We Had The Information.

Notices Gary doesn’t mention which blogs, so there’s no way of checking for ourselves whether said blogs are talking sense or bullocks. Nice way of Using Capitals For Ridicule as well as good use of the Dreaded Label of “leftist”.

Fine. We now have new warnings. Put up or shut up. Reveal, due to these Warnings, what the next attack will be. It’s As Clear As before 9/11. Or pay attention to the fact that intelligence doesn’t work that way: it analyzes what happened, and what has been heard; it’s not, in fact, a Predictor Of The Future By The Force.

Not that anybody’s been saying that.

What people like Avedon Carol (to mention just one leftist blogger) have been saying is that the attacks were predicted, were not something new or out of the blue (remember the 1993 WTC attack?) and that it was the Bush administration not taking terrorism seriously as a threat that helped make the attacks possible.

And the attacks were predicted, as Glenn Reynolds noted. Then again, you really cannot trust such a loony leftist as Glenn.

(I just looove Gary’s little challenge there. I would even take him up on it, if I could get the keys to the various US intelligence systems.)

Nitwits. You can blame Clinton, or Bush, and each blaming is equally, um, uninformed. And, how do we say in English? Stupid. Or simply partisan. Yeah, it’s all the fault of the last President you don’t like. Snore. Also, God is to blame for my pants tearing. I’m sure it’s terribly comforting to find a source to put blame to.

Now this is just silly. Contrary to what Gary thinks, it is important to know who failed their duties, to have an inquest into why the September 11 attacks had not been prevented. If only to make sure it won’t happen again. If the US leaders have been asleep on the job, I personally would like to know it. Perhaps we could, you know, replace them or at least get them to take their jobs seriously and actually go after the responsible parties, instead of attacking such threats to national security like Cuba and elected Venezuelan presidents.

(Do you notice the way in which Gary compares this wholly justified criticism of Bush with the ravings of the Hate Clinton Brigade, as if the two were equivalent?)

A partisan political source in America, that is. Because that’s what’s important. Domestic quibbles: all important. Mere world-wide enemies trying to kill us: oh, wait, they’re out there, too?

Yeah Gary, that’s all this is, partisan quibbles. Uh huh. How could any criticism of the Fearless Leaders be anything but?

I’m so glad so many people grasp what’s important.

If only this went for Gary as well…

Fortuyn and paedophilia

Last Sunday, the Scotsman posted an article accusing Fortuyn of being a powerful advocate or(sic) paedophilia. Several weblogs like e.g. Privateer and Atrios immediately followed up to this article and expressed their outrage at this vile, vile behaviour. Even going so far as to draw, in Privateer’s case totally unfounded conclusions about the Dutch media.

In reality he argued in a column he wrote for the Dutch opinion magazine Elsevier for just a little bit more common sense in dealing with paedophiles. He did that at a time, in late 1999 when paedofilia was very much in the news as a result of various (unrelated) sexual abuse cases coming to the light in a short period and there was a lot of free floating angst about it.

He started his article by reminiscing about how he himself used to “play doctor” when he was young and how that was dealt with sensible by his mother, without too much fuzz. He then contrasted this with the current denial of any sort of sexuality for children. As an example of the dangers of this, he offers that case in the US where a small boy rubbed himself against his little sister and got treated as a sex offender.

In his view paedophilia is like homosexuality or heterosexuality: a sexual preference you’re born with and cannot change. This means of course that a paedophile’s sexual urges will not disappear. He or she will always be sexually attracked to children. Therefore, there will always be the danger that a paedophile will act on their instincts; even prison may not deter them.

Fortuyn then tells how the US handles this problem of recidivism. In the US when a convicted paedophile is released from prison he has to register with the police where he lives and this information is made known to the public. This, he argues leads to mob justice: in the US (suspected) paedophiles are chased out of their homes, beaten up or worse because they cannot hide and start a new life. He warns that this could also happen in the Netherlands, if the same sort of legislation becomes law.

Pim Fortuyn then recalls the late seventies and early eighties, when paedophilia was no longer a taboo subject, but openly discussed as something that may not always be wrong, depending on circumstance. This was largely due to the efforts of then PvdA senator and paedophile Brongersma, who for years had fought for acceptance of paedophilia as not always being automatically wrong or harmful. In the sexual climate of the seventies, after the liberation of sex by the Pill and the growing acceptance of homosexuality as something normal, the existence of children as sexual beings gradually won terrain and this combined with Brongersma efforts led to paedophiles being treated more sympathetically. Less emphasis on the paedophile as a child raping monster and more on paedophilia as a sort of mental illness, as a condition which in itself was no reason for condemnation, but as something a paedophile must learn to live with within the boundaries of the law. This model was largely abandoned in the late eighties for again the paedophile as monster. Fortuyn laments this and pleads for more open discussion, for rebreaking of the taboo.

This does not make Pim Fortuyn a advocate of child molesters. It makes him somebody concerned with the black and white, emotional way the subject of paedophilia is treated in public discourse. You can disagree with him on this, but that’s not a good reason to subject him to a posthumous smear campaign. Yes, quotes from this article taken out iof context do sound bad, but do not show the whole picture. It is clear to me that Fortuyn is not advocating paedophilia, let alone actual sex with children, as well as a return to the more enlightened viewpoints of the seventies.