Day 5: get a real job

You only have to watch the episode above to grasp the essence of Aggressive Retsuko: put upon office lady/red panda Retsuko gets harassed by dumb bosses and obnoxious co-workers, the frustration builds and builds until it erupts — in the form of death metal karaoke. For anybody who’s ever worked in an office there’s a lot that’s recognisable –female supervisors being more lenient to men than women, co-workers slacking off, though some of the frustration she has to deal with is more uniquely Japanese — obligatory drinking parties, near daily overtime. However, although Aggressive Retsuko mocks the daily struggle of office workers, at the end of the day it’s like Dilbert, an escape valve rather than a call to arms. Each episode ends after all with Retsuko declaring she’ll work hard again tomorrow. But who cares, it’s funnier than Dilbert ever was.

This was day 5 of the Twelve Days of Anime. Next: Kuromukuro and Regalia.