Day 7: the pleasure of having read a book

Bernard Jou Iwaku: the secret of reading

Bernard Jou Iwaku is not afraid to tackle the big issues: how to read books if you don’t want to read them, just want to have read them. The courage to read the Wikipedia plot description. Miss Bernard — actual name Machida Sawako — is the sort of poseur you’ll find in any book club or fan group, somebody with an opinion about anything whether she has read it or not. Not a bad sort at heart, if a bit obnoxious and smug.And to be honest, if you’re a reader, there will have been moments when you’d rather not want to read the book you want to have read.

Bernard Jou Iwaku: what to recommend

On the other side of the spectrum is Kanbayashi Shiori, who’s not just enthusiastic about reading books, but really enthusiastic about sharing her favourite books with others — though she has some difficulty in deciding which book to share. She and Machida regularly clash when she gets infuriated by the latter’s idiocy, but in the end Kanbayashi needs her as somebody to talk books with. They’re both book geeks so despite their differences, they need each other.

Bernard Jou Iwaku: geeking out

The series itself is pleasantly nerdy about reading as well and seems to be especially fond of somewhat obscure (American) science fiction authors. In a time when young people reject even the classics it’s amazing that Kanbayashi doesn’t just name drop Egan, Asimov, Heinlein, Tiptree and Clarke, but also much less well known writers like Avram Davidson, Theodore Sturgeon, Olaf Stapledon, not to mention Manly Wade Wellman? I’m seriously considering entering Bernard Jou Iwaku for the Best Related Hugo.

This was day seven of the Twelve Days of Anime. Next: Alderamin / Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm.