
In episode six of Bocchi! The Rock Bocchi meets an older, hungover bassist who ends up helping her sell her ticket quota for the concert her band is going to give. Like Bocchi herself this woman seems a bundle of anxieties:

Kikuri being oppressed by all the world's problems, showing up in oppressive kanji in the background: pension problems! Rural depopulation The poverty gap! She looks stressed and with her hands on her head blocking her ears.

Unlike Bocchi, Kikuri doesn’t seems to suffer from social anxiety so much as a general anxiety about the state of the world as a whole. If her affliction seems to leave her less affected than Bocchi it’s because as an adult she has access to a remedy that Bocchi hasn’t: alcohol!

Kikuri drinking a sake juice box, her face looking happy and relaxed, while the problems behind her slowly dispappear in a pink, hazy cloud.

A very relatable solution indeed.