Metal Monday: Entombed

Entombed knew their audience. ‘Eavy Metal might look tough, but it’s a decidedly nerdy music genre, so what would be more appealing than have your favourite lite Death Metal band sing about your favourite badass hero?

Entombed – Wolverine Blues

Gimmicks and MTV friendly image aside, Entombed has always been a good death metal band, but one that quickly grew bored with the somewhat limited reach of the subgenre, mixing other influences, especially hardcore punk — something that came natural for a lot of metal bands. This might be my favourite song in their original style.

Left Hand Path:

And this of their more modern style. In both cases the introduction sets the tone for the rest of the song, the long drawn out scream of Left Hand Path, the tching-tching of The Hollow Man, grabbing your attention before all hell breaks lose.

The Hollow Man:

Metal Monday: Easter Celebration Blasphemy edition

Heavy metal and Christianity don’t generally mix, though there are some pale imitations of metal bands that call themselves Christian — like every Christian imitation of a secular idea, they’re shit. In fact, whole subgenres have sprung up revolving around the hatred for Christianity or the joy of being a satanist. A lot of this is of course playacting, or just done to shock the bourgeoisie, but trust the Norwegians to have made it all real: the rise of Black Metal as a seperate genre in the early nineties saw a spate of church burnings, threats against more mainstream metal bands as well as at least one suicide and one murder. All this didn’t necessarily improve the music….

Venom – Welcome to Hell

Entombed – Left Hand Path

Mayhem – De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas — at the time of this album’s release, the lead singer had suicided and the guitarist had been murdered by the lead singer of a rival black metal band.

Nuclear Assault – Hang the Pope

Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath:

Happy Easter!