Mesopotamia: the Invention of the City – Gwendolyn Leick

Mesopotamia: the Invention of the City

Mesopotamia: the Invention of the City
Gwendolyn Leick
252 pages including index
published in 1993

Continuing with my interest in Bronze Age history, I got Mesopotamia: the Invention of the City from the library, about the only book on Mesopotamia actually present there at the time and not hopelessly (decades) out of date. I know little about Mesopotamia other than the stuff everybody knows, it being probably the oldest civilisation in the world, inventors of written language and the city, yaddayaddaya. All I knew about it I learned from my old childrens encyclopedias, long obsolete even when I read them some twenty years ago…

Gwendolyn Leick didn’t set out to write a general history, but more of an overview of the ten most important cities that made up the area: Eridu, Uruk, Shuruppak, Akkad, Ur, Sippar, Nippur, Ashur, Nineveh and Babylon. She does this in chronological order, with Eridu the oldest established and Babylon the youngest. Considering that Babylon was an old, old city when Rome yet had to be founded, you can imagine how old the earliest cities were, as far away in time from the founding of Rome as we are from its fall. Which is the most important point that I picked up from this book, how long Mesopotamia’s history was, that later cities might have had the same sort of relationship with the very first ones as we have with Rome and Greece.

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Pompeii – The Life of a Roman Town – Mary Beard

Cover of Pompeii - The Life of a Roman Town

Pompeii – The Life of a Roman Town
Mary Beard
360 pages including index
published in 2008

We think we know Pompeii. An ordinary Roman town like so many others in 79 CE, made extraordinary because it was overwhelmed without warning by the eruption of the Vesuvius, through its death granting us a rare glimpse of what daily life in the Roman Empire really was like. Under a metres thick layer of volcanic ashes Pompeii laid hidden for centuries, only discovered in the eighteenth century, its secrets kept intact, preserved by the very disaster that caused the death of the city. With the slow and careful excavation of the city those secrets are unlocked, giving up definitive answers to all kind of questions about how the Romans lived. This is the view of Pompeii that countless books, magazine articles and television specials have given us. Unfortunately, as Mary Beard explains in Pompeii – The Life of a Roman Town, it’s wrong.

Or at least, not entirely accurate. As she explains, Pompeii wasn’t overwhelmed by an unforeseen catastrophe, as most likely its inhabitants had had at least several days warning before the actual eruption. Quite a few of them therefore had already left the town when it got buried, while many of the dead found under the lava had been overtaken in their flight, or while having sought shelter nearby or within the city itself. What’s more, the city wasn’t immediately abandonded after the disaster either, as all through the city evidence has been found of people coming back to their houses or businesses to rescue possessions – as well as of plunderers looking for easy riches. What’s more, once Pompeii was rediscovered, obviously things gut dug up, damaged, disappeared or just altered through being exposed to the elements again. All of which means that what we can see in Pompeii now is not entirely the city that the inhabitants would’ve known in 79 CE, that if we dig up a largely empty villa it doesn’t necessarily mean the Romans were great minimalists…

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The Kingdom of the Hittites – Trevor Bryce

Cover of The Kingdom of the Hittites

The Kingdom of the Hittites
Trevor Bryce
554 pages including index
published in 2005

The nice thing about history is that there’s so much of it, and so much still barely known. The Hittites are a case in point. Their existence was largely unsuspected until the late nineteenth century, when the first of their sites were uncovered in what is now Turkey and Syria. Here was a major Late Bronze Age civilisation and Near East superpower, an empire on par with Ancient Egypt or Assyria that lasted almost fivehundred years and nobody had a clue it existed. The sole cluess to their existence then known were some vague references in the Old Testament, from which they gotten their name as well as some mentions in the official correspondence of their rivals in Egypt, Assyria and Babylon but these were still largely untranslated when the first Hittite sites were found. The rediscovery of the Hittites is but one example of how much more complex ancient history is compared to the caricature we get of it in pop culture, which largely goes Sumeria > Egypt > Greece > Rome, with a sidestep to Israel.

What’s also nice about history is how fluid it is. We think we know the history of given region or country until a chance archeological discovery turns everything upside down again. Especially with subjects as far removed in time from us as the Hittite Empire, which existed roughly from 1650 BCE until about 1200 BCE, our views of it can change surprisingly quickly, as can be seen in The Kingdom of the Hittites. Originally published in 1998, the second, 2005 edition has been thoroughly revised with sections of every chapter having been rewritten, based on new discoveries and other advances since the original publication. If less than a decade of progress can make such a difference in a textbook like this it’s no wonder its author, Trevor Bryce, stresses that this is still only a preliminary history of the Hittites, subject to further revision.

As a textbook The Kingdom of the Hittites is firmly of the “kings and battles” school of history writing, with a companion volume dealing with society and daily life of the Hittites. Sadly the Amsterdam library didn’t seem to have that in its stacks. No matter, this was enough to be going on with on its own as well. The book is set up in chronological order, it starts with the origins of the Hittites and an overview of the history of Anatolia just before the Hittite kingdom was established and ends with the last known Hittite king. The reign of each known Hittite king is looked at, but as Bryce makes clear throughout, of some kings much less is known than others. Indeed, for several kings not even the approximate dates of their reigns are known. Two appendixes, on the chronology of Hittite history and the sources available to historians, make this problem even more clear.

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Wehrmacht – Wolfram Wette

Cover of Wehrmacht

Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality
Wolfram Wette
372 pages including index
published in 2002

One of the enduring myths of World War 2 is the idea that the crimes committed by nazi Germany were the work of a relatively small number of villains with the vast majority of the German population either being their victims or just trying to make the best of a bad situation or to do their duty to their country. More specially this myth lives on in the idea that while the Waffen SS was a criminal organisation responsible for uncounted numbers of warcrimes, the Wehrmacht, Germany’s most important military organisation, had relatively clean hands. With tens of millions of German men having served in the Wehrmacht during World War 2 it is no surprise that this myth came into being. Far easier to believe you were the innocent dupe of Hitler than to acknowledge that you may just be a fellow criminal. What’s strange is that this idea is believed not just in Germany, but throughout Western Europe and America. If like me you’re interested in military history, you sooner or later come across military enthusiasts extolling the martial virtues of the Wehrmacht, without much consideration of the context in which they fought.

Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality was written to explode this myth and explain how and why it came into being. Its author, Wolfram Wette, is a German historian who’s made his speciality in researching Germany’s history of militarism. Until 1995 he worked for the official German institute for military history research, where he worked on Germany’s official history of World War 2, which should lend considerable weight to this book. This is no firebrand outsider courting controversy with a perhaps overstated sensationalist thesis (as with Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners), but a distinguished senior historian attempting to put an generally accepted truth before the general

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The Fall of Yugoslavia – Misha Glenny

Cover of The Fall of Yugoslavia

The Fall of Yugoslavia
Misha Glenny
314 pages, including index
published in 1996

The Fall of Yugoslavia was the first book I read in 2007, I got it as a Christmas present from Sandra. I had put this book on my Amazon UK wishlist quite a while back, after having read Glenny’s The Balkans 1804-1999, which was an impressive overview of the modern history of the Balkans. I thought it would be a good book to start the new year with and was not disappointed.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned the past few years blogging the War on Iraq it’s that you can follow the news on tv, read the newspaper reports and magazine coverage on a subject and think you know what’s going on, when in fact you’ve only gotten part of the facts, often arranged in a preconcieved narrative. Even if the news media are basically honest in their reporting, it is too immediate to see beyond the story being reported, to put them in context and digest them. At the same time, news thrives on new and unusual incidents, which greatly distorts the picture we get: in reality more people may die in single car crashes than multicar pileups, but the latter is the one featured on the evening news. Only the simplest of narratives can survive this process and governments and other propagandists make grateful use of it to push through their reality.

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