Larnell Lewis is sickenly talented

Michel is right. It’s unbelievable how talented Larnell Lewis is, that he can learn to play the drums to this song in the time it took him to fly to the studio:


The first I heard about Snarky Puppy too. It reminds me of Pierre Moerlen’s version of Gong, especially their first two albums, Gazeuse! (1976) and Expresso II (1978), fusion/jazz rock with lots of mellow brass, piano and bongos. Not the most innovative music in the world in 2021, but gorgous nonetheless. Certainly deserving to be listened to in more detail.

And, sickening as it is watching Larnell Lewis hearing “Enter Sandman” for the first time and immediately nailing the drums when you yourself struggled for three years learning to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on the guitar —badly–, you can’t deny the man’s talent. Not just in being able to play a song perfectly after hearing it once, but also in how he breaks it down beforehand while listening to it.