Socialists win Dutch elections

I know y’all are waiting with bated breath for the results of the Dutch parliamentary elections, as the tensions and excitement of that tough election campaign slowly ebb away. Good news, the SP, the one true Dutch socialist party has won big, with 25 seats after about forty percent of the votes have been counted, almost tripling from their 2003 results of nine seats. The biggest losers are the freemarket liberals VVD, who lost about a third of their seats and became the fourth party after the SP. In other words, the socialists have won out over the liberals, especially as the other liberal party, D66, lost half its seats.

Meanwhile the Christian Democrats, traditionally the largest party in the Netherlands, have also lost but much less than their coalition partner VVD, going back from 44 seats in 2003 to 40 seats now. Profiting from their loss is the more outspoken Christian / leftist ChristenUnie, who may be against abortus and gay marriage but who at least remember Christ instructions about feeding the hungry and clothing the needy…

On the rightwing asshole front, the LPF (the grave robbers of Fortuyn) is finally going to disappear from parliament, but unfortunately the man with the hair, cryptoracist Geert Wilders, has picked up the LPF votes, with 9 seats for his Partij voor de Vrijheid, the Party for the Freedom of Anybody but Muslims. Another of the rightwing firebrands, Marco Pastors, has also picked up a seat. Though it’s disappointing these demagogues will enter parliament, at least the various splits on the right kept them from gaining more.

In the centrum of politics, the social democratic PvdA and Green GroenLinks, have lost just as big as the liberals have, reversing the situation in the 2003 elections when the social democrats picked up many of the votes the SP seemed to have in the bag until a few weeks before the election. Then people voted strategically and saw their hopes of a centrist government dashed, now they’ve realised it’s better to vote for the party they really support.

Some commentators have already said this is an election in which the middle has been deserted for the far left and rightwing fringes. They are wrong. It was the true left, the SP, who won to the disadvantage of not just the centrist left, but also the centrist right, while on the rightwing
fringe the seats have just been rearranged, rather than any having been gained. Wilders just picked up the votes lost by the LPF as well as some of the more rightwing of the VVD votes, but did not gain anything beyond it.

This is encouraging. It means that not just have the neoliberal policies of the CDA/VVD government been rejected, but the voters have not chosen for the easy, populist and bigoted siren call of the extreme right, but rather for principled leftwing parties. Not just for the SP, but also the Christen Unie and the Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals), all parties that chose a principle course. A true rejection of the neoliberal consensus that has ruled the Netherlands for the past 25 years.

All of which however does not make the formation of a new government any easier. Neither the left nor the right is able to form a government on their own, so some sort of left-right coalition has to be formed, with my money being on a CDA-PvdA-SP coalition, or maybe a VVD-CDA-PvdA coalition. It’s going to be interesting.


So the much lauded rightwing coalition of CDA (Christian democrats), VVD (neoliberals) and LPF (idiots, mostly) has collapsed. Oh dear. And I was sooo enjoying the LPF soap.

So what happened to the Revolution, the New Politics the LPF would bring? What happened to Pim Fortuyn’s heritage? Well, it turned out that stuffing a party full of nitwits, egotrippers and cocky businessmen is not a good idea. Without Pim Fortuyn as leader to guide them, power struggles erupted. The party had no vision, no experience and no leader. It was part of a coalition with the two parties with the worst reputation for power games, whom both had long experience in keeping coalition partners down. The LPF never had a chance.

All of which means there will be new elections soon. Until then, there’s nobody governing the country and important decisions cannot be taken… What this will mean for the upcoming decision about extension of the EU, to which the Netherlands has to give its consent, is anybody’s guess.

We Won!

Just came back from the SP election party. As it looks now, we’ve more or less doubled our seats in Parlement, from five seats in 1998 to at least nine, possibly ten now. In Amsterdam we got just short of eleven percent of the votes, which was incredible.

Apart from us, the other big two winners were the Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) who got 26, setting the record for most sears won by a new party in an parlementary election and the CDA, who went from 29 to 43 (!) seats, becoming by far the biggest party, followed by the LPF. The big losers were the three government parties PvdA, from 45 to 23, VVD, from 38 to 23 and D66, from 14 to 8. The other left wing party, Groen Links also lost one seat, going from 11 to 10 seats. Also “losing” big was Leefbaar Nederland, who once were thought to win as much seats as LPF did now, but who now got only two seats, the result of their principled decision to kick Fortuyn out of their party.

So what does this all mean? Is this a move to the right, as television pundits repeated constantly? Or is there more to it?

I think there is. This was not as much a move to the right as it was a punishment of a coalition which managed to lose almost all voter sympathy over the last two years or so. People were sick and tired of Paars, of the way the three coalition partners stifled debate and wanted something new and exciting, something that would break open debate again. At first this was Leefbaar Nederland, but with the entry of Pim Fortuyn, he became the crowbar which forced open Dutch politics. In my opinion, only he was able to do it, because the other alternatives, like CDA were seen as part of the Den haag establishment or like my own party SP and Groen Links, but also the Christenunie too much of a fringe party. There has always been a tradition of new parties doing well in elections when established parties became too arrogant (D66 started out that way) and LPF fitted in nicely. What is new is the margin with which they won, probalby explained by the combination of revulsion of Paars, the charisma of Fortuyn as well as the populistic message he brought of simle answers to complex problems.

It’s tempting to ask what would’ve happened if Fortuyn was still alive. Personally I think his party would’ve become even bigger as I think a lot of people who would’ve voted for him saw what a nitwits the rest of the party were and voted for others. The CDA, the christendemocrats profited from this, picking up Fortuyn voters as did the VVD perhaps, not as much in winning voters from them as in stopping losing voters to them. PvdA otoh and also Groen Links were I think damaged by the witchhunt against the left after Fortuyn’s murder, losing votes to CDA and LPF. For the SP, it mattered less, we stayed mostly out of it. The fact that we nearly doubled is also a sign that it wasn’t just a battle of left versus right wing parties.

I had intended to speculate about possible coalitions now as well but a) it’s late and b) I’m not
entirely sober anymore so I’ll save it till later.

Lijst Fortuyn: hypocrites-r-us

In a previous post I mentioned how every political party involved in the elections had stopped their campaign out of piety for the deceased. Every party apart from Lijst Pim Fortuyn it seems. This morning, the Spits — a free newspaper aimed at commuters — carried a huge advertisement for the Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF). On the left, stretched out over a third of the page there was a picture of Pim with his characteristic smirk with to the right his trademark motto “at your service. Underneath which there was a text stating how touched and impressed the party was bythe massive show of support and grief for Pim Fortuyn during the last week and how important it was,especially now to vote for him and his party.

Is it just me, or is this attempt at winning votes over the body of their murdered leader a bit hypocritical? Not to mention dumb and greedy. Do they really think they will win votes with this stunt? Anybody likely to be swayed by this will already have decided to vote for LPF and it’ll only annoy others. Judging from the comments on Tonie’s Kladblok at least some of the LPF members realise this.

Others however do their best to reinforce the image LPF has as a collection of flyweight nitwits only kept together by Fortuyn’s personality. Take freshly minted chairman Peter Langendam (on the left in the picture) for example. In an interview with the Amsterdam evening paper Het Parool he stated “the bullets came from the Left” [1] and accused PvdA and Groen Links politicians for having helped killed Pim Fortuyn. He is also convinced that the killer was a “professional hitman” [2].

He seems to have a special hatred for Groen Links and its leader Paul Rosenmöller, linking them with Stalin: History’s worst massmurderer was Stalin. He killed sixty million Russians. Communists, that’s where Groen Links comes from. With a green label stamped on it, it was acceptable again. [3] Not that this has anything to do with Groen Links, but that doesn’t matter. They’re a green party and hence part of the “environmental terrorists that do such things” [4], meaning the killing of Pim Fortuyn. He asks “how long we will have to tolerate a fifth estate of non elected organisations that dictates the law to us” [5], meaning those “environmental terrorists”.

I hope I don’t have to tell you that these are just paranoid rants, that there is no organised network of environmental terrorists. There’s no reason to suppose the probable murderer acted other than alone and no evidence so far of his motives. All we know is that yes, he was an environmental activist, but one whose group worked within the system to oppose factory farming, using legalistic and democratic means to stop factory farming. You can disagree with their goals, but not their methods.

So why all this melodrama from mister Langendam? Perhaps he truly believes in a vast environmental leftwing conspiracy, perhaps he used it as a piece of cheap election rhetoric, I don’t know. But one thing is certain, it has no base in fact whatsoever.

Incidentally, Langendam has already stated he will resign immediately after the elections, as he thinks of politics as something unworthy of him. His party can only agree with him.

[1] “kogel kwam van links”
[2 “professionele huurmoordenaar”
[3] “De grootste massamoordenaar uit de geschiedenis was Stalin. Hij heeft zestig miljoen Russen vermoord. Communisten, daar komt Groen Links vandaan. Er is het label groen opgeplakt en dan kan het weer”
[4] “milieuterroristen die dat soort dingen doen”
[5] “Hoe lang moeten we nog tolereren dat een vijfde macht van niet-democratisch gekozen organen ons de wet dicteert?”