- What Japanese Girls Do With Manga, and Why – What follows, then, is not an objective analysis formulated by a scholar who stands apart from and above the "phenomenon," but is rather an analysis by a person who is himself an avid reader of the genre, yet who nonetheless tries to examine the genre and its readers critically and from multiple angles, not only for the purpose of telling you what "they" do, but to contribute a transnational perspective to an ongoing discussion of what we do as participants in popular culture.
- Manga List, Read Manga Online at MangaHere.co –
- Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan 1 – Read Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan Chapter 1 Online – Page 1 –
- Page 1 :: The World God Only Knows :: Chapter 1 :: Red Hawk Reader –
- Batman: The Animated Series script bible –
Articles with the Tag sociology
Your Happening World (August 2nd through August 6th)
- The 50 best Skyrim mods | PC Gamer –
Janelle Monáe – Electric Lady [Official Video] – YouTube – Janelle Monáe
- ASCE | 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure –
- Robotic suit gives shipyard workers super strength – health – 04 August 2014 – New Scientist – The exoskeleton fits anyone between 160 and 185 centimetres tall. Workers do not feel the weight of its 28-kilogram frame of carbon, aluminium alloy and steel, as the suit supports itself and is engineered to follow the wearer's movements. With a 3-hour battery life, the exoskeleton allows users to walk at a normal pace and, in its prototype form, it can lift objects with a mass of up to 30 kilograms.
- Bowlers, ballads, bells, and blasters: Living history and fandom | Soderstrom | Transformative Works and Cultures – As Scottish SF writer Ken MacLeod said, "history is the trade secret of science fiction." The two disciplines cross paths often and sometimes even seem to merge. In many people's lives the disposition to create community around historical interest or reenacted historical community practices, or even just entertainment in a mythic-history setting, intersects with a related and similar interest in science fiction/fantasy literature and participation on some level in the related fandoms and social activities of SF/F. The bowlers, ballads, bells, and blasters of my title come together not just in current steampunk scenes but also in the storied and genred lives of many reenactors and fans. Or, as a friend of mine suggested when discussing this essay, "historical reenactment is the trade secret to fandom."
Bookmarks for June 5th
Blog fodder for June 5th:
- Clarkesworld Magazine – Science Fiction and Fantasy : The Issue of Gender in Genre Fiction: The Math Behind it All by Susan E. Connolly – Knowing that some people will be curious about the math behind Susan’s piece, we asked her to provide something a bit more technical for those more mathematically inclined among us.
- Clarkesworld Magazine – Science Fiction and Fantasy : The Issue of Gender in Genre Fiction: A Detailed Analysis by Susan E. Connolly – Gender representation in genre fiction is an issue that’s been getting more and more attention, but nobody had yet assembled a comprehensive review of the data. Now that I have collected this data, I can see why. So many emails . . . So much Excel.
- Investing in Whiteness: the UCSB tragedy and Asian AmericaSocial Text – I don’t want to contribute to his celebrity status here; I do believe that this shooting and his statements about his motivation teach us important things about the operationalization of things like the model minority myth or American masculinity and pathology. I offer a cultural critique to see what sense can be made of this tragedy and what sad sense this tragedy makes of critical theory and its continued relevance.
- How Different Cultures Understand Time – Business Insider – Americans do time like this, Asians do time like this