Gory Glory

Something that annoys me a lot is when a supposedly adult television show bleeps out swearing. It feels so childish to swear and than cover it up, as if nobody can figure out what was said. In comics it’s even more obnoxious, as seen in this example from Glory #30:

panel from Glory #30 showing swearwords blacked out

Then the very next page this happens:

panel from Glory #30 showing a man getting his head split in two


So why is ultraviolence, though cartoony ultraviolence okay, but mild swears like shit or fuck have to be blacked out? It seems silly to worry about bad language when every other page or so somebody’s jaw is graphically punched off.

Not that this should stop you from buying Glory, which is an absolutely brilliant superhero comic somewhat overshadowed by the success of Prophet and Saga and sadly therefore already cancelled. Smart writing by Joe Keatinge, great art from Sophie Campbell. I should do a proper review of this some time soon.

UPDATE: since Sophie Campbell has gone public with her transition, I thought it only decent to update her pronouns here.

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