The Dave Osler drinking game

The Dave Osler drinking game, as inspired by this post:

  • A glass of your favourite for every time Dave brings up a pointless anecdote from the seventies.
  • Another glass for noticing some current political development unfavourably. The more scolding and po-faced the tone, the stronger you can make your drink.
  • Just half a glass for the inevitable tedious history lesson of disjoined examples of why this development is bad; you need to save your liver.
  • Nasty, unnecessary sneer at Respect or the SWP? Just a sip.
  • Empty the bottle when you come to the last paragraph and Dave’s conclusion is that we need a true socialist movement and therefore you need to vote Labour “through gritted teeth” or otherwise.

That’s it, every Dave Osler domestic electionering post ever. Drink plenty of water before you go to bed and have fun with your inevitable hangover the next morning.