Fake FC Groningen hooligans take their role too seriously, stone police

In April of last year there was a fire at the FC Groningen stadion, after an ill advised p.r. stunt went out of hand. All sorts of safety measures turned out not to work, though fortunately nobody died. To prevent a similar incident, the club held a major exercise yesterday, together with fire services, police and several hundred fans playing the role of hooligans. The idea was to simulate a riot in which a fire broke out and then to evacuate the stadion. Several fans however went slightly too far in their role and started throwing rocks, rather than tennis balls, at the police…

1 Comment

  • Alex

    November 16, 2009 at 4:24 am

    That’s brilliant. In a sense, it was always going to happen once the fake rioters realised the other side were using real cops:-)