Whiny fans are whiny

The best reason to celebrate the fact that Dollhouse Joss “feminist” Whedon’s latest crappy science fiction show with dodgy sexual policies was cancelled, is the giant whingefest its fans went on when K. Tempest Bradford voiced her pleasure at its disappearance. Best bit:

It’s a matter of simple courtesy: when someone’s best friend dies, you don’t say, “Well, it’s for the best–he was a real DOUCHE,” even if it’s one-hundred percent true. Show some respect for the recently departed, or at least show some respect for the recently departed’s grieving friends.

Dear oh dear. The crybaby faction in fandom is alive and well. Fair enough that fans of the show will lament its loss, but to demand that everybody validate them in their grief is just toolish. And actually comparing it to the death of a friend is just plain stupid.

1 Comment

  • Jenny

    November 14, 2009 at 5:23 pm

    What’s wrong with Joss whedon?