Bloody hell

one little mistake cost SvenKRamer Olympic gold

Sometimes you just cannot believe what you see. Sven Kramer, the Netherlands’ latest skating giant, on track for gold on the ten kilometres, not to mention a new Olympic Record (as the guy in second place already has broken the record already) and then everything goes horribly wrong. At the point where he has to exchange the inner track for the outer one once again his coach is waiting for him to tell him he’s already almost three seconds ahead of his competitor, Sven changes and changes back again to the wrong track. The upshot? He’s disqualified and the South-Korean Lee Seung-hoon insteads wins gold. You can’t blame him, he did skate an Olympic Record as well after all, but how awful for Sven and his coach. With the television cameras lingering on them as the truth sank in, it was heart wrenching to watch them realise what the error cost Sven — Gerard Kemkers, his coach looked completely down. I’ve think we’ve all had that same sinking feeling when we made one simple mistake that fucked up something important.

Poor guys.