
I don’t suffer from earworms, I enjoy every moment of them – y’all on the other hand may not be so lucky. Hadn’t thought about this song in years, didn’t even know who the hell sung it in the first place until five minutes ago, but the wonders of the internet and Youtube never disappoint. This has been going through my head for a week or so; now it’s your turn…

De laatste X

In honour of the last migration we just went through at work this Saturday, here’s Doe Maar with the last song of their last concert back in 1984.

James May’s Man Lab

The second episode of James May’s Man Lab has just started and there’s something both endearing and disturbing about the Maysian version of the Vitruvian Man, showing May in his y-fronts with the various subjects of his series arranged around him, his arm swinging to whichever is going to be featured in the next segment. It’s all a bit too ..evocative… of a certain right hand action.

James May’s Man Lab is a collection of supposedly blokish pursuits, in an attempt to rehabilitate modern man by teaching him the abilities of their ancestors. In other words, it’s James and his pals in a shed putting in kitchen fittings, fiddling with cars, creating their own pub, dismantling World War II bombs and such like. Harmless fun, fitting May’s fuddy duddy, weird but charming uncle image.

The politics of it are strange though. Not so much the inherent sort of “No Gurls Allowed” sexism in the series, but the idea that watching a tv programme featuring some blokings doing blokish stuff entertainingly crappy makes you a better man. James agitates (well, politely suggests rather) for men to become more skilled, to do more manly stuff instead of just idly consuming tv and computer games by erm, getting them to watch a television series…


movie poster for Dutch horror movie Sint

Above is the trailer for the new Dick Maas horror movie, Sint, in which Sinterklaas (the original Santa Claus) goes bad and starts killing children instead of giving them presents. Not an entirely original idea and I’m sure there are some Santa Claus horror movies too, but Dick Maas has a good track record for horror movies, with De Lift and Amsterdamned, the latter of which scared me stiff when I first saw it as a fourteen year old. His new movie has been the subject of a mild controversy, as some of the posters used to advertise it are thought to be a little bit too scary by the usual numbnuts. An official complaint to the advertisement standards agency was made, but failed. And so it should.

The posters aren’t that scary, we do not need to “childproof” our cities and the people making these complaints are the sort of creepoids who’d want nothing better than to move Holland back to the fifties with brussel sprouts for dinner every evening. If you don’t like the movie, don’t watch it.

Meanwhile the real horrorshow happened in Eindhoven, as evil, hated outside of Brabant PSV defeated my poor old Feijenoord 10-0. It’s isn’t fair. And yes, I am a Feijenoord supporter living in Amsterdam — guess how much fun I’m going to have at work tomorrow…

Tuesday is 2-Tone Day

It’s an embarassement if you don’t know them.

Well, that’s my mood in a nutshell, but

And as always it’s just gone noon half past monsoon: