Lily in parliament!

In events bizarre even for 2019, we’ve had what is possibly the first depiction of an anime character shown in the UK parliament and it was everybody’s favourite trans zombie Lily!

Joanna Cherry holding up a poster of Lily saying shut the fuck up terf

Unfortunately it was transphobe/terf defender Joanna Cherry who held up that poster of Lily, not as a rare example of anime getting a trans character right, but in an attempt to prove this particular picture was a death threat and the very word TERF was a slur on women. Which it isn’t of course, but you may ask yourself, well, how did we get there?

Lily says: shut the fuck up TERF

It all started with SonicFox, professional gamer, gay black furry and trans ally, tweeting a short video of him playing Mortal Kombat 11 and applying a fatality on Sonya Blade while shouting “die TERF”. Sonya Blade’s voice actor being one Ronda Rousey, ex-wrestler and still transphobe, not to mention a Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist. A nasty piece of shit in other words, with Sonic Fox letting off some steam there. He posted it to his Twitter and that would’ve been the end of it, if not for Helen Lewis.

Helen Lewis is one of the Grauniad/New Statesman stable of pet transphobes, also including Germaine Greer, Hadley Freeman, Suzanne Moore and Julie Bindel. These are all career media “feminists”, largely left irrelevant as times moved on, who have found new relevance by becoming transphobes. In the process intentionally or accidentaly providing cover for American right wingers to expand to the UK. Lewis found Sonic Fox’ tweet, immediately did her “I want to speak to your manager” schtick and demanded he recanted. Which he didn’t of course. He just found this whole thing hilarious, a bunch of white, middle aged, English TERFs demanding he stop mocking them.

Which started the usual TERF brigading, where they rope in all their followers to mass report, mass harass somebody to get their account suspended or them fleeing from Twitter. They ultimately got their victory by getting Sonc Fox suspended for a couple of hours and forcing him to delete his tweet. In the process Lewis got the usual sort of meme responses from people annoyed by her transphobia, several of which featured this picture of Lily, holding a badly photoshopped in gun, saying “shut the fuck up TERF”. And it’s one of these tweets that Joanna Cherry cited in a Human Rights Committee Q&A session in the British parliament. And she lied about it. She said it said shut the fuck up, cunt when it really said, as is clearly visible in the video, “shut the fuck up, terf”. And terf is not a slur, not an insult.

So first she lied about terf being a slur, when it in fact was coined by trans exclusionary radical feminists as a neutral description of themselves, then she lied about the actual “slur” on the image. It’s not the only time she lies. She talks about Sonic Fox’s original video as if it’s actual violence against actual women instead of him playing a video game death scene. (Incidently, terfs on twitter are currently busy slandering him by claiming all instances in which he playing a male character in Mortal Kombat hitting a female character are examples of misogynistic violence…) She also pretends that the person supposedly targeted by Sonic Fox and others is some ordinary woman rather than the deputy editor of the New Statesman. Three lies found with just a cursory glance at the video.

So why is a member of parliament trying to gin up non-existing problems of non-violence against not actually women, but video game characters, but completely ignoring actually existing violence against actually existing women, against trans women? Is Cherry a transphobe herself or just an useful idiot?

At least the creator of the picture could laugh at all this.

This zombie is trans and that’s NO coincidence

Just in case you thought Lily coming out as trans in episode eight of Zombieland Saga was a coincidence or a Crunchyroll SJW conspiracy, we got this shot of her the very next episode, or do you think that’s coincidence too?

Zombieland Saga: Lily creates a rainbow

What pisses me off is that there are probably a lot of people who would still believe this rather than admit even Japan has LGBT people or animators clever enough to put together a visual pun like this. Which is a bit strange for people who profess to actually like anime, but this sort of double think is sadly common among the 4-chan crowd. Not uncommon outside it either and if you want to be depressed, take a look at the Zombieland Saga talk page at Wikipedia. Marvel how one stubborn wiki editor just refuses to believe all evidence and insist Lily isn’t trans. And there’s a lot of evidence, as Andrea Ritsu proved with her video:

It all shows that what looked like Lily coming as trans in episode was in fact Lily coming out as trans. What those who deny this are doing is actually what they usually accuse others off: projecting their own bigoted values on anime, desperate as they are for a form of entertainment not ‘spoiled by political correctness’ or whatever. It’s disappointing that this attitude is so prevalent in anime fandom, rather than being happy to finally see some positive trans representation. There was no need for Zombieland Saga to do this, but they did anyway and that means a lot. There have been a lot of could be trans characters in anime — most being the obligatory feminine boy who likes to dress as a girl — but few who actually stated they were trans. Having Lily as an out character, for whom being trans is part of her personality and not a gimmick is a step forward. Trying to deny it with dumb conspiracy theories does nobody any good.

All of this also proves a point I’m trying to make with this series of the 12 days of Anime: that a lot of the more interesting things in anime happen not in what we in the west think of as prestige or core anime series, but in series with less critical attention. Your slice of moe, your pretty boy series, the sort dismissed as trash, or only of interest to hardcore otaku or fujoshi. Here we have a series that nobody really expected anything off, an idol anime even and it has given me at least some of the most emotional stories of the season, if not the year. It’s not just Lily, but also Saki’s lesbian biker past or just having Yugiri as part of the cast, a former courtesan and therefore not likely to still be a virgin, which is a Big Thing for purity obsessed idol fans. Zombieland Saga now has gotten a bit of attention from western fandom, but there have been plenty of series this year which also deserved it but haven’t gotten it. Which is something I hope to remedy a bit with this series.

This is the fifth post in this year’s twelve days of anime challenge. Tomorrow: Himote House, another underrated series of this season.

Zombieland Saga is good, confirmed

Epic Zombie rap battles of history:

Anime does have a tendency to mock hip-hop, that fake sort of yo yo bad rhyming your elderly relatives might also do when talking about *condescending sneer* rap music, but this was rather good.

Zombieland Saga — First Impressions

The main concern Zombieland Saga‘s first episode raises:

Zombieland Saga: is this making fun of death metal?

Rest assured, it doesn’t. Rather, it takes the mickey out of idols shows, in a more teasing than bullying matter. We get introduced to our heroine Minamoto Sakura as this happy go lucky school girl who is going to apply to an idol competition — then gets run over by the ever dependable truck-kun. Cue opening credits as she’s tossed up in the air. It’s a sequence that’s just on the right side of funny and offensive, neither gross for the saking of being gross nor going for fan service. A good sign.

Zombieland Saga: this girl has been biting me thirteen times already this morning

When Sakura wakes up, it’s dark and stormy and she’s in a classic horror house surrounded by …ZOMBIES! It’s only once she escapes and runs into a police officer and he shoots her that she realises she herself is a zombie too. She’s rescued by her ‘creator’ who introduces her to the other girls and tells her that they’re going to save Saga through the power of local idols. So we got half a dozen or so still brain dead zombie girls as idols, a megalomanical mad scientist as their manager and poor old Sakura as the only sane person in the middle. And their first gig is at a death metal club…

Zombieland Saga: head banging is much easier if your neck is broken

And it actually goes better than expected, as the girls’ zombie screams are close enough to death metal grunts to pass muster and headbanging goes a lot smoother if your neck is already broken… All in all this was an enjoyable first episode, though with the developments at the end it will be interesting to see if the series can keep this up and doesn’t degenerate into a more typical idol show, with the zombie thing just adding a little bit of flavour. Either case, I’ll keep watching, if only for Sakura’s reactions to things.