That did not help: New Orleans had privatised disaster management
China over at Lenin’s Tomb has the details on how Innovative Emergency Management is hiding its involvement in hurricane disaster planning in New Orleans/South Louisiana and wonders why:
And just check how prescient their model was! ‘[S]ustaining winds of 120mph… destroyed over 75% of the structures in its path, and left the majority of New Orleans under 15-20 feet of water’. That’s impressively accurate. ‘[S]heltering, temporary housing, and temporary medical care’ were chosen as areas to focus on, ‘functional plans’ were put in place, that can be ‘implemented immediately’. Result? ‘Louisiana is much better prepared for a catastrophic hurricane’.
Then be proud, IEM! Why so coy? Why so shy of having won this prestigious contract? I think we should help IEM out by telling everyone we can their involvement in this, and bringing to people’s attention the company’s sudden inadvertant mislaying of its press release.
One wonders.
We know how the usual suspects (Halliburton and chums) have been earning shitloads of money in return for not very much visible work, let alone improvements in the daily lifes of ordinary Iraqis. Is this another example of a company that has gotten quite a lot of taxpayers money to provide something the public sector could’ve done better, then didn’t do it? Or was this just a singularly inept company?