Quickfire round

Kip has reprinted an excellent article on Long Story, Short Pier he wrote in 1998 about why you don’t read comics. I don’t normally link to stories on the blogs in my sidebar (hopefully y’all read them already), but I’ll make an exception for this. For people familiar with the US comics industry it won’t contain any real surprises, but it’s good to see it neatly laid out again why the industry sucks so much.

Via Eschaton comes an article about how Microsoft Word bit Blair in the butt. It seems the infamous UK dossier on Iraq’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and how Saddam’s intelligence services tried to conceal them from UN inspectors still contained the revision metadata. In other words, it’s possible to see when it was revised and who did it. Oops.

Fantasy author Jo Walton talking about Amazon’s blurb for her new book:

I wouldn’t have said myself “You have never read a novel like Tooth and Claw” because in fact it’s a whole lot like Trollope. Indeed, pretty much the only difference is that all the characters are dragons and eat each other.

Not a lot of difference indeed…

Gallowglass, a blog I really should put on the blogroll already, pays some attention to noted nutcase David Icke:

Icke, for those who aren’t familiar with him, has had a roller-coaster career. He came to public attention as a professional footballer, and then sports presenter for BBC. Icke went on to become national spokesperson for the Green party but had to resign shortly after he announced that he was the Son of God (job conflicts).